A Bouquet of Flower from the North, and a Postcard Reads, 'Kleptocracy'

By Paranoia Semalam (July 31, 2016)

"I am tired of this kind of life!"
"O God! I have no time!"
"My monthly commitments are worth more than your average wages!"
"I can't sleep. The people are outrage!"

Amuse me, mammals, the joke is on you.

You -- for trying hard in making people laugh, agree and love you. You -- for trying hard in fattening the wallet and consolidating influence and celestial position.

I am sorry. I have stopped doing that. I don't need any approval nor acceptance from people like you. In fact, I need no blessing from other people.

A disgrace -- when your life is built on that sort of establishment. A disaster -- when your life is motivated by earthly gains.

What are you busying for? Then, what are you should be seeking of? A monumental achievement in wealth searching? An astounding acquisition in power?

You are answerable for all your conducts. You only have one live to spare, to discharge the trials, to submit to the truth, to build an everlasting happiness in heaven. Let's pray, for all the possessions obtained, for all the seconds spent, for all the pleasures and enjoyment you had and wasted, they will not betray and go against you when asked before The Almighty.

And please do not fucked up in the process. Do not ever fucked up -- for His wrath is beyond imaginable.

There is a business trend, perhaps a strategy, to use religion as a marketing tool.

Yassinated raisins, honey, dates, all kind of drinks and juices with Quranic verses recited upon it, goat's milk which had been instilled with all kind of prays, black-magic repellant soap, and it seems the lists will never stop.

This product Islamization is getting wilder, idiotic and I even heard there are people who 'stereofied' certain surah to their herds and livestocks!

Oh God, forgive me for I have sinned! I have eaten so so many kafir chicken in my life!

And most of their miraculous claims are ridiculous and absurd too. It feels sinful enough even to write it down here.

I wonder, how all of these rubbish sell? Don't they feel guilty for innovation?

Islamizing the goods and products doesn't make you become holier, stronger or healthier, neither using nor consuming them. It is you who take shahadah, not them, it is you who have to undergo the process!

This materialistic race really makes people go nuts. Faith is not for trading.

Perhaps, this is my most uncivilised rant.

Some friends would still like to insist, even in this day and age, that we must not blame others for our woes and focus on fixing our own house first.

Or maybe these selfish ignorant bastard are too busy dreaming about Disney-lands and treasure-hunts to worry about the criticality of the time upon us.

The sooner we become wiser about this larger conflict outside the well, the better it would be for all of us.

But, most of us are too lazy to read, let alone to analyze. They take things for granted -- as everything happens because the universe told so.

If we free our mind and spend some time to dig out the history and study on what are on the predators' mind, then we will definitely see. The truth is always not as it seems to be.

Thinking back, regarding the recent terror in France and Turkey, who the hell are the culprits behind the curtain? Who are orchestrating and manipulating the plays? What are the plans? Why France? Why Turkey?

How are they mobilising the tools -- the people, the arms and arsenals, the funds, the plots, etc, etc -- without ever being noticed by intelligents, isn't it something really weird and disturbing going on here?

What are they inciting?

And immediately, the finger starts pointing. It is IS? ISIS? Daesh? Al-Qaeda? Jihadist groups? to blame. Who are these created monstrous puppet? Why not some other powerful hand with agenda? Could it be it was just an inside job to speed up and justify something bigger?

Can't we clearly see it?

No matter how bad we don't want war to happen, there are people who enjoy it as much as we hate it.

Why war? Because the earth is scattered with six billions lives, the most efficient way to control this big world is, by depopulation dan shrink it into a small piece as possible.

The Third World War hasn’t started yet. Each party are taunting each other and there will be another act of terror one after another. Perhaps, they are expecting (read: targeting) someone to cut a ribbon to formally launch it.

Mark my words.

Ia kelihatan seperti penulisan tidak pernah meninggalkan aku. Ah, ke mana dan di mana menghilang penulis-penulis agung lain?

Atau mereka sebenarnya cuma kaya dengan angan-angan, tidak dengan kekuatan.

Atau, heh, wujud barangkali kerana tempiasan budaya dan ikutan serta perasaan mahu-jadi.

(Akhir-nya, yang kekal tinggal, hanya yang benar-benar di tempatnya).

Bukan mudah untuk menjadi apa yang dicanang dan kental mentaati perjuangan. Yah, bercakap adalah seni yang murah. Dan perihal murah ini akan tidak akan menjadi kekal.

Nah, mulut siapa dulunya yang bicara lebih daripada akalnya?

Masa memberitahu, bukan?

-- Macam mana Najib?

Hampir saja mulut aku yang penuh dengan batang buruk terhambur keluar.

"Kenapa Najib?" aku soal setelah menenangkan diri aku dengan beberapa tegukan sirap selasih. Sisa-sisa kuih masih bergumpal melekat di celah-celahan gigi buat aku kurang selesa untuk memberi kata balas.

"Dia macam mana?" aku disoal lagi.

Tanpa ada jawapan, ada diam menyelinap di antara kami. Masa terhenti, kami berdua seolah berpakat untuk berpandangan sesama sendiri, dan seperti interaksi telepati, ada dengus panjang yang tegang dan jujur keluar dari kerongkong kami, hampir serentak.

"Kecewa, bukan?" aku kata.


-- Parti baru tu, OK?

"Aku kurang," balas aku.

-- Kenapa?

"Oren dekat Myanmar sembelih orang Islam, oren dekat sini bunuh ulama."

-- Ulama ke?

"At least, mereka yang aku kenal dalam tu takutkan Tuhan, berilmu dan beramal lebih dari aku."

"Kiblat ketua pun masih Kaabah, bukan Karbala!"


"Kau tak perlu pandai sangat dekat Malaysia," aku kata. "The best way to reach the top, even if you have no education is to be politicians."

"Orang sekarang pandang harta dan possesi, bukan idea, bukan visi, bukan apa yang kau heret, genggam, perjuang dalam diri kau."

"It is the battle of who is the loudest, not the smartest."

"Dan kalau leader kau tak cerdik, kau hanya perlu angguk dan sokong untuk selamat. Be like, yes sir! Saya yang menerima arahan!"

"Ingat tak cerita Hang Nadim, Singapura Dilanggar Todak?"

"It is easier to manage a bunch of idiot than a single brainer!"

-- Tak hairan-lah level SPM pun boleh jadi MB, kan?

"Itu, bukan aku yang cakap, ya!"


-- Tun OK?

"Tun OK."

"Aku masih menyanjung orang yang membaca dan menulis."


-- Kau macam mana, OK?


Hari Raya, ia sentiasa menjadi lapang sasar menembak kecenderungan. Peluru terenak pastinya berkisar kisah kepolitikkan, serta bagaimana-cara-atau-perniagaan-menambah-isi-kantung-kewangan-sebanyak-banyaknya-untuk-hidup-1000-tahun.

"Bila nak kahwin?"

Dan juga tentang hal kebujangan aku.

Ada waktu-nya aku diperingat tentang sesuatu oleh bau-bauan. Sebentar tadi, setelah sekian lama, aku disanggah oleh satu aroma, yang segera saja diterjemah sebagai memori yang eksklusif, yang langsung terus menuntun rasa-rasa lampau ke dalam denyut darah.

Tergesa oleh kombinasi-kombinasi perasaan yang bercampur-baur, timbul ghairah ingin tahu daripada mana punca wangian. Ada-kah ia masih terbit daripada tubuh pemilik yang telah tidak lagi menjadi puja? Ada-kah dia di sini? Mengapa dia ada di sini?

Ia tidak semerbak, tetapi cukup dan tepat untuk mengherot kewarasan dan mengakis kekuatan.

Yah, barangkali aku yang terburu-buru membina taakulan. Bagaimana mungkin hal di dalam imaginasi aku terjadi nyata. Kelakar bila fikiran kita menjadi seolah-olah begitu dungu, mudah diperdaya oleh keinginan-keinginan yang runtun.

Bila terjerumus jatuh ke dalam, terlintas juga di fikiran, masih-kah aku menjadi walau secubit kerinduan? Atau aku hanya sebentuk daki daripada bahagian-bahagian ingatan yang tidak di-rai, yang sedang melalui proses saringan dan enyahan?

Atau hanya aku yang terlalu ketara gagal menyelindung desahan pura-pura, dan masih terpesona dan rapuh dengan bisik-bisik halus di hujung-hujung hati?

Malam yang kian memekat dengan kesunyian, tubuh yang makin melesu dengan kepenatan, dan hati yang perlahan-lahan larut dalam hangat kerinduan, Happiness di sebelah-ku, dalam dakapan-ku, di atas lengan kiri-ku, tersenyum, aku di sebelah-nya, menilik raut-nya, tangan kanan-ku memeluk tubuhnya, dan lengan kiri-ku dipinjamkan sebagai alas kepalanya.

Aku lepas-kan nafas yang kian memberat. Fikiran-ku sarat belayar dengan seribu satu beban withdrawal. Sangkar rusuk-ku penuh dengan bidikan-bidikan asmara cinta sang cupid.

‘I love you’ – dia bilang sebelum mata-nya terkatup rapat.

I rasa terbenam. Aku rasa hidup kembali. Sempurna. Mutlak. Terlepas.


Oh, kalau wujud masa-masa yang indah, ini adalah salah satu yang terindah.

‘Rest, honey, rest’ – aku kata dalam hati, dan aku hadiah-kan satu ciuman lembut di pipi-nya.

Perempuan, tiada apa yang aku sangat kesal-kan dalam hidup; kecuali terlewat mengenal diri kau.

Selamat Hari Lahir, Hati.

A Diamond in the Shadow

The war is around the corner. The time draws closer and quicker. The angel of death now comes nearer. Fire will catch both sober and stoner.

O dear! When life gets sour and bitter, when life turns disaster and uglier, shall we meet again in laughter?

Shall we cherish the moment and fill it with tender?

Shall we sing and drink and pretend it is never over?

Or we just find the very reason to surrender?